microplastics in water

The Tiny New Culprit: Microplastics and Water Contamination

You don’t have to be an environment and sustainability geek to know that the world is drowning in plastic. Literally. Unfortunately, metaphors are no longer a language embellishment tool in this area; microplastics in water have become reality. For instance, check this heart-breaking, stomach churning, anger inducing photo here: And there are many more where

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best bottleless mini water coolers

7 Best Bottleless Countertop Mini Water Coolers 2019 for Your Office Kitchen

It goes without saying that countertop water coolers are an excellent choice as well as a very convenient solution when you don’t seem to have the necessary space to keep your freestanding water dispenser at your office. The benefits of owning a solution of the kind are numerous. Some of the most substantial ones include:

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